At Cross Pointe, we exist to point people to Jesus and inspire them to live the cross shaped life. We accomplish this mission in four ways: through worship, discipleship, serving, and sending.
At Cross Pointe, we exist to point people to Jesus and inspire them to live the cross shaped life. We accomplish this mission in four ways: through worship, discipleship, serving, and sending.
Our buildings were originally constructed by Boeing-Rockwell for anti-tank and anti-ship missile manufacturing. In 2003, God laid it upon the hearts of two local businessmen to purchase the buildings and give them to begin a new church.
First service of Cross Pointe held at Collins Hill High School. Renovation began on Satellite Boulevard property.
Cross Pointe began meeting at Peachtree Ridge High School.
Two floors of the Satellite Boulevard administration building were opened for preschool and children's programming.
Cross Pointe moved into the worship center at Satellite Boulevard.
Over 2,000 attended for the first time on a non-Easter Sunday.
Cross Pointe celebrated its first 10 years, and Pastor Merritt preached through the life of Christ for the entire year.
Cross Pointe was recognized as one of the top ten churches in Georgia in membership involvement (Georgia Baptist Convention study).
Cross Pointe went online during the global pandemic. Nearly 10,000 attended online for Easter. In person services resumed in September.
Through the faithful giving of our members and good financial management, Cross Pointe is debt-free.
Cross Pointe celebrated its 20 year anniversary.