God is a God of compassion. In this 5-week sermon series, "The Heart of God," Pastor James Merritt will reveal how God's compassion is central to His character and invite us to reflect His compassion in our own lives.
Cross Pointe exists to point people to Jesus and inspire them to live the cross shaped life. We do this in four practical ways: Worship, Disciple, Serve, and Send. In this 4-week series, “Who We Are,” Pastor James Merritt will walk through the four ways we live out our mission statement.
God the Son left heaven and came to us wrapped in human flesh to give us the greatest gift we could ever receive and that was himself; The man-Jesus Christ. A three-week series studying Jesus as fully man and fully God.
The God life is a life lived in the presence of God, through the power of God, for the praise of God, accomplishing the purpose of God, to give glory to God and goodness to others. In this study, Pastor James Merritt will teach lessons from the life of Elijah. Studying the life of Elijah will reveal what an extraordinary God can do through an ordinary person.
How should we live knowing God has total control in all circumstances? As we study the life of Daniel, we will find how to trust a Sovereign God in a secular world.
In the beloved Christmas carol titled “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,” the refrain speaks of “tidings of comfort and joy.” In this short series, Pastor Merritt explores 1 John 1 and looks to the theology of Christmas by highlighting two benefits that Jesus brought to earth: comfort & joy.
Of all the sermons ever preached, one reigns supreme: The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. In that sermon, Jesus gives practical advice for how a Christian should live. In this extensive sermon series, Pastor Merritt will spend several months walking verse-by-verse through this life-changing sermon. Following Jesus is different from the way of the world, and those who follow Jesus will look different than the rest of the world. Join us for this series: “Get Used to Different: A New Way to Live."
Our God is a generational God, and His command for us to make disciples spans every generation. Throughout this series, we will discuss what it looks like for a devoted Christian to teach God's Word, model Christ-like character, steward their time and resources, and commit to discipling all generations!
We all know that the Bible teaches that everyone will die. But what does it teach about life after death? What about Heaven and Hell? In this series, Pastor Merritt explores what God's Word teaches about what happens from the moment time stops for us on earth to the moment of Jesus' return.
Have you ever struggled with doubt? Have you ever felt discouraged or ashamed because of those doubts? Oftentimes the church seems to discourage people from doubting. However, the Bible does not discourage doubt. In fact, faith presupposes doubt. Some of the strongest believers in the Bible had doubts. In this series, Pastor Merritt deals with some of the top doubts that both Christians and non-Christians have and explores the place of doubt in the life of faith.
Let’s be honest - facing the truth is neither easy nor popular. However, if we ignore God’s truth, we will ultimately live in slavery to lies & errors. Jesus says in John 8, “If you know the truth, the truth will set you free.” In this four-week series, Pastor Merritt will be preaching on culture’s most controversial topics: premarital sex, gay marriage, abortion, & the transgender issue. We will be learning how to face the truth with compassion & conviction.