Series: The Bucket List
April 16, 2017
Two men died on either side of Jesus on that Good Friday. One made the wrong choice...
April 09, 2017
It is interesting that none of the New Testament Gospel writers are content to simply...
April 02, 2017
"It is finished." In those words and at that moment, He shares with us some things...
March 19, 2017
Suffering is a part of life. Many people suffer while they are living and many people...
March 12, 2017
It is the only statement Jesus made from the cross, that is recorded by two different...
March 05, 2017
You have been mistreated by a family member. You have been ostracized, disowned, and...
February 26, 2017
While the world was doing its worst to Jesus, Jesus was doing His best for the world...