Start at the Epicenter

Series: Fault

September 14, 2014
Passage: 1 John 1:9

Series Information

Who is to blame?

When relationships break--a spouse, a child or parent, a friend, a co-worker--the first thing we often look for is who to blame. But if we spend all of our time looking for the fault, we'll miss the opportunity to understand what went wrong and restore the relationship. All of us live with divides between people in our lives. Those who have let us down, or hurt us, or that we disagree with. And keeping distance takes time and energy. 

God says there is a better way. We really can move past fixing the blame, and start fixing our relationships. In this teaching series, Lead Pastor James Merritt details practical principles from the Bible for mending the most broken of relationships. If you're suffering from a broken relationship, join us for this great teaching series, and learn how to mend hearts and minds, God's way.

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Other sermons in the series

Start at the Epicenter

September 14, 2014

When an earthquake occurs in our physical lives, it is due to geological cracks. When...

Seismic Shift

September 21, 2014

There is a seismic shift that must take place with us and our sin if we are going to...

Planting Your Feet

September 28, 2014

How many times do we do something wrong and then we try to analyze it and rationalize...

Surviving the Big One

October 05, 2014

How do you repair a relationship when you are not the one who ruptured it? It is not...

A Few Remaining Tremors

October 12, 2014

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October 19, 2014

Now we are going to get into the nitty-gritty of the process of forgiveness itself...