Series: Get Used to Different

Built To Last

June 30, 2024

Concluding the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warns that we will all endure storms in our...

Don't Kid Yourself

June 16, 2024

Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of...

Counterfeit Prophets

June 02, 2024

In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, He teaches that not every prophet who claims to be...

Keep On Keeping On

May 12, 2024

When it comes to prayer, we are told to pray with persistence and anticipation. In...

Don't Rush to Judgment

May 05, 2024

One of the most popularly quoted verses of Scripture is found in the first verse of...

The Domino Effect

April 28, 2024

Most of us are familiar with “The Domino Effect” - one action leads to another...

Do Not Worry

April 21, 2024

People today worry about all kinds of things: politics, inflation, healthcare...

Prayer 201

March 24, 2024

According to Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6, the key to effective prayer is found in...

Prayer 101

March 17, 2024

Privacy in the prayer closet fosters sincerity in the prayer closet. In today’s...

Perfect Love

March 10, 2024

One of Jesus’ most paradoxical statements couples as one of life’s greatest...

Over and Above

March 03, 2024

Followers of Jesus always go over and above. In today’s sermon, Pastor Merritt...
