
Jesus was perfectly balanced. He was full of grace and truth.  Now when you are full of Jesus you will be full of grace and truth. When a church is full of Jesus, it will be full of grace and truth. For Jesus, it just came naturally.  He didn’t lean one way or the other. He was perfectly balanced. 


Psalms are the songs of the Bible. They teach us about the nature and character of God, and how He gives answers throughou the challenges of life. In this teaching series, Pastor Merritt examines a "playlist" of four psalms, each with a specific message for our lives today.

Elephant in the Room

There are some topics you never discuss in church. And especially preach a sermon on them. The spring, join us as Pastor Merritt takes four important items from our culture that we typically sweep under the rug, and brings them under the spotlight of God's Word. These are the elephants in the room... we're confronted with these every day but we simply don't talk about them. Until now!

The Bucket List

Everyone has a list of things you want to do in life. Big things. Risky things. Things you want to do before you die. Before you "kick the bucket". There's a phrase we use to describe these things--a "bucket list". Maybe you've never written it down, but you've thought about it, and you probably have a few items on it.

There's an ultimate bucket list. One made for us by the One Person who had the most famous death in all of history... Jesus Christ. While Jesus hung on the cross He said seven things. Seven simple yet profound statements that give us a powerful spiritual bucket list to follow. Seven things to do before we die. Seven things to get right. And if we do them now, they'll not only get us ready to meet Jesus in heaven one day, they will positively impact how we live today and for the rest of our lives.


There was an entourage of characters involved in the story of Christmas. They were the ones who passed down a true story that has endured for more than 2,000 years. As we open the Bible to look at these people, we'll discover that it can change the way we look at Christmas... forever. Join Pastor Merritt as we take a fascinating look at the wise men, angels and shepherds and their unique role in the Christmas story.

Right on the Money

There’s an old saying when something is done with excellence, managed well, with good result. We’ll say it’s right on the money. The fact is, when it comes to money, very few of us are right on the money. God’s Word says more about managing finances than just about any other topic. When we get real with our dollars and cents, and begin to live right on the money, we will understand how to be a blessing to others even as God pours out His blessings to us, for His glory.

Yes, But

It's a word that can change everything. It paints a contrast between the world's path and God's ideal. It one way that God lets us know how He makes a way, when there seems to be no way. So much hope, encouragement and inspiration wrapped up in a simple, thee-letter word: but.

Join Pastor Merritt as we open Scripture to look at four exceptional verses. Exceptional because the word but changes everything. Through this teaching series you'll learn how God turns harm into good, death to life, our dreams to His plans, and our fear into faith. Yes, But will be four practical sermons that you will not want to miss.

The Holy Who

The Holy Spirit is mysterious... even to most Christ-followers. Who is He, and how does He interact with us each day? How do we know when the Holy Spirit is talking to us. What does it mean to grieve the Spirit, or to quench the Spirit, or to be baptized in the Spirit? Join Pastor Merritt as we dive into the Bible to learn Who the Holy Spirit is and how we can live more like Jesus every day through Him.

Don't Make Me Come Back Here

If you're a parent, you've certainly had joys, but almost as certain you've also had frustrations. How can you raise your kids without resorting to those same threats that your mom and dad might have used on you? In the Bible we find that we don't have to parent by reacting to our kids sins and mistakes. Instead we can be proactive, and parent forward, giving our children a godly example to model and teaching them how to obey the God we want them to come to know.

Reel Grace

If you want to know what salvation in Christ really is... the "grace of God" that is often spoken about in churches, then there's no better place to find the answer than the book of Romans. Through the first eight chapters the Apostle Paul unfolds the plotline... man's great sin and the complete and utter separation from God that it has caused. But then, just when all seems lost... well, we won't give away the ending.


What makes a church something that people are intrigued by and want to experience? It's not a building or a program or a song list. The church at its heart is people. When we live and serve as Jesus teaches, people will be drawn to Christ through us. Join us as we find out how our church can move from being merely attractive to being truly magnetic. 

Christmas In 3D

What is the Christmas Story? Is it a baby, a manger, a star and some wise men? The reality is that the Christmas story starts at the very beginning of time. It continues through two thousand years of expectation, and gives way to a promise yet to be fulfilled. Pastor Merritt teaches a three-part message series from the Bible entitled "Christmas In 3D". Hear a new dimension to the classic holiday narrative you probably never knew or expected, but will make the Christmas story leap off the page and into your life in a brand new way.